

Charlie Boyle takes U17 title in BBR comp and Charlie Rodwell takes U12 title! Yes!!
I've been coaching a bunch of frothing grommets for over a year now, and the hard work has finally paid off for them!! They all took part in the local BBR comp sponsored by Animal yesterday and did me proud.

 Max Mitchell and Charlie Boyle were two of the originals; over a year of training took them to third and first place respectively!

We actually did a pre-comp lesson the day before with Charlie and 11 years old newcomer Charlie Rodwell. It paid for him too as he took the U12 title! Well done buddy...

Congrats to all the other boys too: Oscar Johnson, Declan his brother, Elliott Mills, Tom Noory, James Wheeler and James Heslington. Here are the full results:

U12 boys
1. Charlie Rodwell - team Loar
2. Declan Johnson 
- team Loar
3. Rory Ellacott

U15 boys
1. George Hudson
2. Oscar Johnson 
- team Loar
3. Tom Noory 
- team Loar

U17 boys
1. Charlie Boyle 
- team Loar
2. James Heslington 
- team Loar
3. Max Mitchell 
- team Loar

The Present of Life by Rapanui

Hey peeps, check out what the boys at Rapanui have been up to!! 

Raising money for the badgers and trying to get to the top of the Christmas charts at the same time... Standard really!

Please have a look and if you can go buy yourself a copy! Here's the link to the song on iTunes https://itunes.apple.com/gb/album/the-present-of-life/id580220380?i=580221214


I'm in Scotland for the Thurso open, UK Pro Surf tour comp.

And I believe Ian is on his way to Mexico right now? But not too sure...


Beloved 29Hood

... Thanks to Benoit Quere for the shots


Rapanui is all over Les Bourdaines


We were cosy in the new LOAR mobile

I made it through a heat! and got one of the best scores of the day. Stokeness

I've driven 2397 km in the past 4 days.

.... but it was worth it.


Grodon in Zarautz

Despite the style, Gordon got third in his heat yesterday. Shame because he was ripping ! 
Follow him for the next comp in Pantin! 



Iconic TV Weatherman Michael Fish B.A.S.E Jumps for Climate Change

Michael Fish MBE, the iconic British TV weatherman, has completed a B.A.S.E. jump from a London tower block to raise awareness of climate change.

Fish, who is 68 years old and, made the freefall jump from the rooftop, landing by parachute on the ground more than 200 feet below. Fish trained with experienced urban B.A.S.E jumpers prior to the jump. 

Eco fashion brand Rapanui captured the event on video and has released the footage online to support Fish in drawing attention to the issue.

Michael Fish MBE said:

“Raising awareness of climate change is really important, because there is no doubt whatsoever that if we carry on the way we are there will be shortages of food, shortages of water, towns and cities will be flooded, there’s all sorts of chaos that could arise, in fact some of it is already happening.

We have to something about it now, not wait until it’s too late. If some of us have to make sacrifices, like risking our lives by jumping off buildings, then so be it”

Martin Drake-Knight co-founder of Rapanui said:

“Climate change is an issue close to our hearts, we hope Michael’s film will raise awareness of what is probably the greatest threat to mankind”


Lacanau Pro Junior

Ian won his 3rd round heat today in the small conditions at La Grande Plage of Lacanau... Check him out and support him in the round of 32 tomorrow at http://www.sooruzlacanaupro.com/ . Here's a couple of shots from his heat today.


Summer Update

Allo allo,

It's the middle of summer, did a few Juniors around Europe, and I'm in Galicia (Spain) right now for a 2 star Pro Junior. Waves have been small but still fun, our crew is just sick, loving it!
Here are a few shots that will retrace my summer better than words..

With Larso family in royan

In sopelana

With Rata boxing Road trip 

With the billabong crew Sopelana

Visit at the Guggenheim, Bilbao !