

Charlie Boyle takes U17 title in BBR comp and Charlie Rodwell takes U12 title! Yes!!
I've been coaching a bunch of frothing grommets for over a year now, and the hard work has finally paid off for them!! They all took part in the local BBR comp sponsored by Animal yesterday and did me proud.

 Max Mitchell and Charlie Boyle were two of the originals; over a year of training took them to third and first place respectively!

We actually did a pre-comp lesson the day before with Charlie and 11 years old newcomer Charlie Rodwell. It paid for him too as he took the U12 title! Well done buddy...

Congrats to all the other boys too: Oscar Johnson, Declan his brother, Elliott Mills, Tom Noory, James Wheeler and James Heslington. Here are the full results:

U12 boys
1. Charlie Rodwell - team Loar
2. Declan Johnson 
- team Loar
3. Rory Ellacott

U15 boys
1. George Hudson
2. Oscar Johnson 
- team Loar
3. Tom Noory 
- team Loar

U17 boys
1. Charlie Boyle 
- team Loar
2. James Heslington 
- team Loar
3. Max Mitchell 
- team Loar

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